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Silbershatz, Sela, Brandes Law Offices

Creativity | Innovation | Excellence

About us

Silbershatz, Sela, Brandes Law Offices

The Zilbrashtz, Sela, Brand Law Firm was founded in 2002, by the late Advovate Alon Zilbrashtz, Advocate Shai Brands and Advocate Oded Sela

The firm deals in diverse areas of regulation with an emphasis on the capital market and long-term savings and commercial law, including real estate law and representing many companies in various content areas with prominence on technology start-up companies.

In the field of technology law, the firm provides its clients with legal support, from the establishment phase, recruitment agreements, regulation and compliance with privacy laws in Israel and abroad, mergers and acquisitions and more.

the real estate department in the firm, headed by attorney Shay Brands, who has more than 25 years of seniority and experience, in diverse transactions in the field of real estate, including sale transactions, representation of purchase groups, TMA 38 agreements, combination transactions, representation of tenants within the framework of residential housing agreements and more.

The firm has many years of expertise in representation and consulting in the field of risk management through legal tools, led by Adv. Oded Sela, who has been involved in the field since the establishment of the firm. Adv. Oded Sela accompanies companies and corporations, both private and public, boards of directors and board committees, directors and officers, the solutions, including enforcement programs, special risk insurances such as directors' liability insurance, professional liability insurance, cyber risk insurance, and more.

Attorney Sela also deals in the field of sports law. He has served as a member of the board of the Water Polo Association for many years, and as a member of the Olympic Committee. Advocate Sela represents Olympic athletes and specializes in sponsorship agreements for athletes, and in a variety of issues that accompany the sports associations, and the sports associations on an ongoing basis.

Attorney Omer Brands, director of the high-tech field at the firm, specializes in the ongoing support of technological corporations, and has a unique expertise in representing companies in the various stages of recruitment, in front of venture capital funds, the Innovation Authority and private investors from Israel and abroad, as well as in representing Israeli and international bodies in the field of privacy protection in the countries of the community European, in the US and other countries.

office staff

The team of the office, founded by the late Alon Zilbarschat, one of Israel's top lawyers in the field of regulation of the capital market and long-term savings, labor law and insurance law, has expertise and many years of unique professional experience in a number of fields that include technology and privacy law, compliance and enforcement (in the capital market, privacy laws and labor laws), regulation of the capital market and insurance and consulting in the field of risk management using various legal tools. All of this alongside ongoing legal practice and representation of private clients and various corporations including public companies, private companies, government companies, cooperative societies, associations and public benefit Companies

Advocate Omer Brands

Advocate Omer Brands

Specializing in accompanying and advising entrepreneurs, investors, commercial companies, hi-tech companies and start-ups from the establishment phase to their purchase.

Specializes in the field of privacy regulation, and among other things helps technology companies to implement and implement the information security standard ISO 27001, the European GDPR regulations, the privacy protection law and the information security regulations in Israel and the American CCPA law.

Has expertise in various aspects of commercial and corporate law, including intellectual property issues, SaaS agreements, license agreements, service agreements, development and production agreements, internet law, e-commerce and consumer protection.

Has experience in managing and streamlining legal processes and providing legal solutions for changing technological needs through the use of technological tools. Has experience as a lawyer in the high-tech and mergers and acquisitions departments of leading offices in Tel Aviv, as well as as an in-house consultant for large high-tech companies.

Graduated with an LL.B degree in Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Advocate Shay Brands

Advocate Shay Brands

Born in 1968, married and father of three.

Has a bachelor's degree in law from Tel Aviv University.

Member of the Bar Association since 1996.

Adv. Brands served between 1987-1991 and finished his service with the rank of major.

Attorney Brands manages the real estate department in Israel and abroad including, in the areas of eviction, construction and TMA 38, as well as representing and accompanying purchase groups. Attorney Brands also specializes in real estate transactions in the USA and has accompanied hundreds of purchase transactions for many clients.

Areas of expertise: contracts, real estate in Israel and abroad, inheritance, estates and wills.

Advocate Oded Sela

Advocate Oded Sela

Graduated from the Faculty of Law at Tel Aviv University in 1994. Graduated

in Law (LLM) from Tel Aviv University in 2003.

Areas of specialization: insurance law, provident funds, pension funds, special risk law.

Handles legal and commercial aspects of provident funds and pension funds and the implementation of Bachar legislation in institutional bodies and insurance agencies, pension marketers and pension consultants. Has a unique specialization in the field of special risk insurance consulting.

● Active secretary of the Bat Association.

● Member of the Cyber and Information Security Committee at the Standards Institute

● Voluntary ombudsman for the Bakol association (hard of hearing and deaf). One

of the founders of the Association for Compliance, Enforcement, Corporate Governance and Audit

  • Volunteer ombudsman for the Association for Compliance, Enforcement, Corporate Governance and Audit
  • Volunteers in providing advice at the association "Going for a Change".
  • Member of the Ramat Aviv neighborhood council.
  • Member of the Privacy Protection Committee - Bar Association.
  • Member of the Enforcement and Compliance Committee - Bar Association.
  • Voluntary ombudsman - Israel Artists Union

We will be happy to be at your service

Our office has rich experience in legal consulting, providing legal opinions and representing clients, in a wide variety of subjects in the fields of commercial and civil law, including in a variety of commercial transactions and contracts in Israel and abroad in the fields of technology, corporate law, real estate and real estate, capital raising, the capital market and insurance, Labor law and consulting in the field of special risk insurance.

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Our Knowledge Base

Article in various subjects for your reading.

Working for the directors

The Danziger committee absolved the directors of Bank Hapoalim from personal responsibility and recommended that the bank exhaust the bank's negotiations with the insurance companies for the payment of $140 million from the bank's insurance policies. Attorney Sela explains why this is a worrying result for the investing public Read More

Using insurance as a risk management tool in secondary legislation

Modern risk management is carried out using various tools including evaluation and control tools, use of consultants and special software, drafting of enforcement programs (COMPLIANCE PROGRAMS) and more. Read More

Redemption value of compensation to the employer and for income tax purposes

The funds in the provident funds for employees are accumulated by dividing them into their components: the compensation component and the rewards component, to which are added investment profits. Read More

Contact Us

Our offices are located in Ramat-Gan, in the diamond exchange district, easy to get to by all means of public transport, several parking lots are also available in the surrounding area.

Our Address:

12 Aba Hillel Silver St., Ayalon Building, Ramat-Gan, Israel




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